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Tips for Healthy Living that is Easy to Do

Healthy is expensive. This proverb is true, because when attacked by disease, especially dangerous, many people have to spend a lot of money to get back healthy. In fact, many diseases can be prevented only by applying clean and healthy living habits, without the need to pay expensive costs. Living a healthy life is not difficult and does not need to spend a lot of money. The key to success in living a healthy life lies in consistency and commitment to a better life. Start a healthy lifestyle by doing the following tips for a healthy life.

Washing hands

Washing your hands properly is the most effective way to prevent the spread of germs. Wash your hands with clean running water, and always use soap, because water is not enough. Hand washing with soap has been shown to be effective in reducing the number of bacteria on the hands by up to 82%. Remind Your Child to always wash his hands after using the toilet, after doing activities outside the home, after handling pets, and before eating. Give him an understanding that hands that look clean may not be free of germs, because germs are not visible to the eye. If water and soap are difficult to find, you can use a hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol. Studies show that hand sanitizer products with an alcohol content of 60-95% are more effective at killing germs than products with lower alcohol content or no alcohol at all. But keep in mind, hand sanitizers cannot kill germs as effectively as washing hands with soap. Maintaining Food Hygiene Contaminated food can be a major cause of disease transmission. To prevent contamination, you must process food properly. How:
  • Wash hands with soap and running water, before cooking or preparing food.
  • Wash food ingredients with running water thoroughly, before cooking or consuming.
  • Do not store food for too long in the refrigerator or storage cupboard.
  • Keep foods that will be eaten raw, such as vegetables for salads, from raw meat. This is so that germs from raw meat do not move to these foodstuffs.
  • Use a food hood to protect food from flies or mice.

Eat Healthy Foods

Forget fried foods, french fries, processed foods, or fast food that is commonly consumed. To maintain a healthy body, you must pay attention to your food intake. Healthy and balanced nutritious food is very important for the body, especially for children who are still growing. Get used to eating with a diverse menu and certainly meet the daily nutritional needs. Every day, the body needs 2-3 servings of vegetable protein, 2-3 servings of animal protein, 3-8 servings of staple foods such as rice, potatoes or wheat, 3-5 servings of vegetables, and 3-5 servings of fruit. In addition, you also need to limit your intake of sugar and salt. Excess sugar can increase the risk of developing diabetes and obesity. While excess salt will increase the risk of high blood pressure.

Fulfilling Water Needs

The next healthy living tip is drinking enough water, which is at least 2 liters (about 8 glasses) per day. The benefits of adequate water intake are that the body becomes fresh, the brain functions better, and avoids headaches, constipation, and kidney stones.

Exercise regularly

Many people are lazy to move because they find exercise tiring and boring. To work around this, make sports a fun activity. For example, if you don't like sweating, choose swimming. If you don't like strenuous exercise, choose yoga. Inviting children to play baseball, ball, or badminton can also make sports activities fun, as well as teach children about the importance of exercise. It is recommended to exercise at least twice a week, with a minimum duration of 30 minutes a day.

Avoid Exposure to Cigarette Smoke

Cigarette smoke is very dangerous for active smokers and passive smokers. Cigarette smoke contains dozens of types of chemicals that are at risk of causing cancer. Apart from cancer, exposure to cigarette smoke also increases the risk of miscarriage, heart disease, lung disease, and respiratory disorders. For women who have a smoker partner, you and your children are also at risk of experiencing the same disease. This is because particles from cigarette smoke can settle to the surface of clothing or objects in the smoking room, even lasting a long time after the smoke disappears. Several studies have shown that these particles can last for months. If you want to live healthy, free your beloved home and family from cigarette smoke.

Enough rest

Besides causing drowsiness, lack of sleep will affect emotional conditions and cognitive abilities, because the brain cannot function properly. Lack of sleep can also increase the risk of obesity and various diseases, such as diabetes and heart disease. Try to sleep 7-9 hours a day to avoid these risks. Last but not least is keeping the environment clean and free of disease. Various tips on healthy living above will not bring maximum benefits if your environment is dirty and many germs. Start implementing a healthy lifestyle in your family, but of course it must start from yourself first. Healthy living habits that you live can motivate others around you. And vice versa, hanging out with people who lead a healthy lifestyle can increasingly motivate you to do the same.


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