Many parents feel worried when they see their children lazy to learn. As a solution, many parents choose to send their children to tutoring or tutoring. In fact, the solution is not necessarily in accordance with what children need.
There is always a cause behind the habits of children who are often lazy when asked to study or do homework. Well, recognizing the cause of lazy children learn is the first step that parents must take to overcome them.
Causes of Lazy Children Learning
There are many factors that cause children to be lazy in learning, both in terms of physical, mental, and learning environment that is less supportive. Below are some possible causes of lazy children learning and their explanations:
1. Difficulty understanding the material
Children tend to avoid subject matter that is difficult for them to understand. Complex material concepts and complex questions often reduce children's motivation to learn. In the end, they tend to be reluctant and lazy when studying.
If the child has difficulty understanding the material, parents need to examine the cause to find out whether he has difficulty due to cognitive limitations or due to certain physical disorders, such as difficulty seeing, hearing, or speaking.
2. Less challenging material
Not only material that is difficult, material that is too easy can make children become less enthusiastic about learning. If the material is less challenging, the child can think, "What's the point of learning when I can?"
3. Less interested in the topic being studied
Every child has an interest in a different field. Children who have an interest in music will certainly be more eager to learn how to play the piano than to memorize mathematical formulas.
4. Not comfortable with the learning environment
A killer teacher, a friend who likes bullying, or inadequate learning facilities often make children lose motivation to learn. In the end, children will be lazy when asked to learn.
5. Fatigue
Learning is a complex thought process that requires a lot of energy. So, it is natural that children who have too much activity become lazy to learn, because they already feel tired and want to rest.
6. Too many distractions
Gadgets, social media, noisy atmosphere, and social activities with friends are the most frequent disturbances that interrupt the learning process. Remember, most children do not yet have strong self control. If these disorders are not controlled by parents, the child would prefer to do things that he thinks are more fun than learning.
Tips for Overcoming Lazy Children Learning
The important role of parents is needed to overcome children who are lazy to learn. In addition to communicating well, parents must also have extra patience in dealing with this condition.
There are some tips for parents whose children are lazy to learn, including:
1. Build communication with children
Before telling a child to study or enroll a child in a tutoring place, parents must open a communication space with the child first. The purpose of this communication is so that parents understand well what causes children to be lazy to learn.
Give the child a chance to talk about what he feels about the learning process, what obstacles he faces, and what he wants to help him learn.
2. Encourage children to determine their learning goals
Often children consider learning a mere obligation, because they do not understand the meaning and benefits of the material they are learning. Therefore, parents need to help children to first identify the learning objectives. If possible, associate with the ideals or interests of children.
For example, if the child wants to be an architect, tell him about the relationship between the tasks of architects with mathematics, or maybe social and history lessons.
3. Know the child's learning style
Every child has a different learning style. Some children like to learn by reading, others by listening, while others prefer to practice. By recognizing children's learning styles, parents will more easily modify the material and learning system to suit the child's needs.
4. Guide the child to develop their own learning system
Encourage children to choose learning equipment, arrange learning spaces, and set learning schedules. The involvement of children in the preparation of learning systems will make them more enthusiastic and responsible.
5. Create a pleasant learning atmosphere
Children's learning process can take place anywhere, not only in the learning room. Parents can take children to the museum to learn history, to the zoo to learn about flora and fauna, or to other child-friendly education centers.
6. Value the learning process, avoid focusing too much on achievement
Many parents are not aware that the expression of their disappointment when a child shows an exam is a painful thing for a child. Children will consider themselves unable and do not appreciate their own efforts.
Parents need to give credit when children show interest and progress in the learning process, no matter how small. An appreciation of the learning process, not the results, can build a pleasant learning climate for children.
7. Become a role model
In the learning process, children need role models from their parents. When entering study time, parents need to build a learning climate in the home. Parents can accompany children to study or be close to them while reading books and doing office work.
If when children learn, parents actually play gadgets or watch television, children will consider learning as an obligation that keeps them away from fun activities like their parents do.
Basically, every child is a unique person. Parents need to recognize and understand the child's character in order to accompany the learning process optimally. Most important, parents need to encourage children to learn because of need, not because of a necessity.
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